Sunday, December 5, 2010

Internet Dating

There was this guy that I knew back in college. We were good friends back then but after graduation, he moved to Texas and I moved to Europe and we completely lost touch. Three years later, he gets my email from a common friend and we reunite. It was great talking to him again and even though we were miles apart, we connected in a lot of different ways.

There was a time in Europe where I felt really, really lonely. I was in a foreign country, I didn't speak the language and I didn't have a lot of friends outside work, so mostly during weekdays when I came home from work, I would sit and Skype with him. We talked for hours every night and naturally we got really close. He was really sweet and he started talking about developing feelings for me and somehow in my loneliness, I started developing feelings for him. I remember what he looked like in college and I can't say I was attracted to him, but people grow, people mature, and well looks don't matter all that much when you like the person inside. So our internet romance started. It wasn't really romance, more like internet flirtations and then he finally decided to fly over to Europe and visit, to give it a shot I guess.

And I wish he never came.

I've had plenty of house guests, but this guy was the worst. He was the most disgusting guy I've ever met, and I mean this guy was filthy. He would leave dirty dishes all over the living room, coffee stains on the table, and after coming home from a night at a hot, smelly nightclub where he was sweating profusely, he didn't even shower. Like seriously? Thank god I had decided from the start that he would crash on the couch and not share my bed with him... yuck! And to top it all off, and this is really gross, this guy had no idea how to aim. Seriously, my toilet was worse than a dirty toilet on a highway. I couldn't stand to have him in my house anymore and he was planning to stay for two weeks. TWO WHOLE WEEKS!

Needless to say, I carefully hinted that he should leave and he got the point. Of course that ended the friendship completely. I never heard from him again (and I can't say I'm sorry).

Moral of the story: mail order brides are not the answer and you can only know someone after you live with them.


SSW said...

I absolutely agree! You never know a person to you have to live with them...I hate that your friendship was crushed from a visit, but at least to found out sooner than later...Great post

Oilfield Trash said...

I agree with SSW.