Sunday, October 10, 2010

Sexual Frustration

Like I said before, I'm taking this creative writing class. It's a small class, a total of 8 people I think, all women except for one man. I'm not sure if he feels a little out of place, but he's a friend of mine and if I know anything about him, is that he likes these kinds of odds (just thought I'd put this out there in case your reading this K. Will you feel uncomfortable next class?)

Anyway, so today's class was interesting-ish and we did all sorts of tasks to take us out of our comfort zones and even though the majority didn't really try to be very adventurous, it was overall useful but that's not the point. This post is not about how this class will add to my writing skills, or how after it I'll be able to write a best-seller (or at least end up as a blog of note, how do I go about doing that anyway?), the point of this post is sexual frustration (yes the title is correct) and how it comes out in the most inopportune moments (or opportune moments, depending on how you look at it).

I'm sure we've all been victims of this terrible, terrible disease and we've seen it manifest itself in ugly ways, like the single female boss who's always bitchy, you know why that is, or the guy who just pounces on the first girl who walks into the door and follows her around like a dog with his tongue sticking out. Yup, it's sexual frustration.

So there's this girl in writing class who seems to be one of those quiet people. She's very friendly and always smiling and she seems like fun. There's some sort of innocence about her like is quite refreshing. Of course, I was slightly dumbstruck when she read the piece she was working on. It was a very well written piece to be honest, but it was just oozing sex and not just any sex, no, it was the desperate, I'm going to pull my hair soon if I don't get laid sex. Damn girl, you really need to go out and get some before you completely snap! Seriously...

But what do you do really, when you can't get any? How do you really manage when you have no choice but to stay celebate?

1 comment:

SSW said...

Self love! OR sport fucking! either way it's sure to scratch the itch!