So I'm taking a creative writing class and this is my first assignment. I don't get it and I'm kind of losing the point of it.
She felt pieces of her fall to the ground and she wished she could undrop them. She longed to unwither under the heat of the sun. She wished she could unweep the tears and unspend all the moisture that had been lost. She wanted to unbreak back to when she was whole. She wanted to be unfallen and stand straight again like she used to. She was unclosed and undark looking up to the sun. Now she knew she was dying and she wished to unknow it. She remembered it all. She remembered being unscared of the sun but now she unbasked in its glow. She was unbent and the petals unopened. She unballed into herself. She unrose from the ground slowly, ungrowing in the ground, shrinking. She unedged from the soil and unwelcomed herself back into her seed.
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