Tuesday, November 23, 2010

More Long Distance... Again.

The distance is killing me. It's been three months since I last saw my boyfriend and still one month more to go. It is a lot harder than I thought and this is definitely the longest we've been apart.

There's a lot about this distance thing that I don't like, other than the obvious which is missing quality time spent together. Even though we're not physically together most of the time, we find ways, given modern technology, to have quality time virtually, so that's not the worst part of it. I think the worst part of the long distance relationship is the amount of strain that is put on said relationship. There's so much stress and pressure involved that sometimes develops into unwanted drama. The frustration of not being able to see that person in front of you, and not being able to read the body language really makes communication harder than it already is.

I think the true measure of a successful relationship is how it withstands the distance, how it makes sure that out of sight is not out of mind, and how it finds constructive ways to resolve conflict that does not involve throwing in the towel.

To all those who are in long distance relationships, stand strong and work hard to make it work. To my boyfriend, I'm sorry for going a little crazy now and then.


Rebecca said...

aw hugs

Sandra said...

I totally get the point about the distance creating drama that probably isn't even there. Hang in there, follow your advice.