Sunday, November 7, 2010

More on Redundancy

Word is out in the company that my department is the nucleus of negativity. Everyone is talking about, everyone won't stop talking about it. "What's the deal with you guys? Why are you so unmotivated?" Why this is a matter of concern for everyone is beyond me, really. Why should the other departments care? They're doing pretty well and they seem to be happy..

I think my hard work at getting fired is actually paying off. My boss and I have a common friend from college and this friend told me today that my boss knows I don't give a shit about the job and that I'm doing it for the fuck of it... That's good news, at least all my efforts are not going unnoticed. The question is of course, what is my manager planning to do about it?

I've been seriously slacking off lately and really day-dreaming, although my day dreams have been a little disturbing of late and I wonder how many people out there imagine causing serious damage to their place of work? It's not that I'm going to do or anything, I just imagine what it would be like.

I think I need to leave this place soon...


SSW said...

Sorry your having a rough time at your job ..could be a good time to be up grading your career! Doesn't hurt to look for bigger and better things ahead! Good luck!

Uninspired Blogger said...

I'm working on it, I'm working on it...

I've just been rather slow, too many things getting in the way, but soon. There is a grand master plan. :)